
magnanimity [mae`gnэni'mэti] (n) the quality of being enerously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving 度量の大きいこと、寛大 - Piggy needs but a word. When the girls named him, an undeserving stigma was cast upon the noble family of s…

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea


laud [lo':d] (v) to praise highly 称賛する、賛美する - I was especially delighted with the mathematics, on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings; but I had not as yet a precise knowledge of their true use; and thinking…

irascible [irae'sэbl] (adj) easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts 怒りっぽい、短気な(はい、こりゃ私のことです) - There remained one resource, to speak English. Perhaps they would know this almost universal language. I knew it-…