discordant [disko':(r)d(э)nt] (adjective) conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound

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As Tarzan of the Apes hurtled through the trees the discordant sounds of the battle between the Abyssinians and the lions smote more and more distinctly upon his sensitive ears, redoubling his assurance that the plight of the human element of the conflict was critical indeed.
(Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar --by Edgar Rice Burroughs)

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disparate [di'sp(э)rэt] (adjective) fundamentally distinct or dissimilar

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I do not mean to say that relatives may not be disparate, or that the science of health is healthy, or of disease necessarily diseased, or that the sciences of good and evil are therefore good and evil; but only that, when the term science is no longer used absolutely, but has a qualified object which in this case is the nature of health and disease, it becomes defined, and is hence called not merely science, but the science of medicine.
(The Republic --by Plato)