Durham Music Teachers Performance Festival

9〜11才の部に出場したティラノが演奏したのは De Beriot の "Scene de Ballet op.100"。伴奏はいつも通り、トリケラが担当。審査員一人、バイオリン演奏者とピアノ伴奏の三人だけの密室で、審査が行われた。

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Nice crispy ornaments - the notes are coming through very well.
Vibrato sounds nice, but looks a little tense sometimes.
Some intonation problems in the lyrical section of the bolero, but generally quite clean intonation -> makes the less clean spots stand out more.
Same with chromatic notes in the waltz.
Lots of very nice bow strokes -> careful near the frog not to be so heavy that the percussive sounds completely cover your pitch.
Great composite - even when little things happened, you stayed calm and kept things going quite cleanly.
Fingered harmonics didn't speak.
Very impressive.
[Rating] Superior+ / Excellent / Very Good / Good

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