
archaic [α:(r)ke'iik] (adj) Of, relating to, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period, especially one that develops into a classical stage of civilization 古風な、初期の、廃れた - He spoke to Philip in correct, rath…

pundit (n) 1. A source of opinion; a critic: a political pundit. 2. A learned person. 評論家、専門家、博学者 (syn) savant, learned person, erudite person, initiate - 『ジャングル・ブック』の著者ライヤード・キプリングの著作『キム』 少年スパ…

mercenary (adj) Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain. 欲得ずくの、報酬目当ての、金銭に卑しい - But one man present took the speaker at his word. That man was the lawyer who had already undertaken the defence of the Co…

abhor (v) To regard with horror. 〜をゾッとするほど嫌う ab-, from; + horrere, to shudder. 頼みもしないのに、人間に作られてしまったフランケンシュタインが、人間から忌み嫌われる孤独を訴える場面。悲しい。 - "How can I move thee? Will no entrea…


Praxis 1 (PPST)はアメリカ(の多くの州)で教職課程をとろうという人が、勉強を始める前に受けなければならないテスト。ネイティブでも混乱するのね。 adapt/adept/adopt(適合する/熟練の/養子を迎える) affect/effect(影響する/効果) capital/capitol…

ameliorate (v) To make or become better; improve. (状況・質などが)よくなるYou may easily imagine that I was much gratified by the offered communication, yet I could not endure that he should renew his grief by a recital of his misfortune…

nascent [nae'snt] (adj) coming into being; in early developmental stages 初期の、発生しようとしている - In attempting to understand the elements out of which mental phenomena are compounded, it is of the greatest importance to remember tha…

mundane [mΛnde'in] (adj) of the world; typical of or concerned with the ordinary 現世の、世俗的な、平凡な、日常的 - I took great pains in collecting the insects, but excepting Tierra del Fuego, I never saw in this respect so poor a country…

magnanimity [mae`gnэni'mэti] (n) the quality of being enerously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving 度量の大きいこと、寛大 - Piggy needs but a word. When the girls named him, an undeserving stigma was cast upon the noble family of s…

laud [lo':d] (v) to praise highly 称賛する、賛美する - I was especially delighted with the mathematics, on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings; but I had not as yet a precise knowledge of their true use; and thinking…

irascible [irae'sэbl] (adj) easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts 怒りっぽい、短気な(はい、こりゃ私のことです) - There remained one resource, to speak English. Perhaps they would know this almost universal language. I knew it-…

inured (adj) accustomed to accepting something undesirable 〜に慣れている、〜に麻痺{まひ}する - For some minutes he did not dare venture within, but finally, as his eyes became accustomed to the dim light of the interior he slowly and ca…

ingenuous [indзe'njuэs] (adj) artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication 純真な、無邪気な、率直な、飾り気のない - He had never heard of the custom of sending flowers to one's lady-love, so he sent Genevieve fruit instead. There w…

filibuster [fi'lэbΛ`stэ(r)] (noun) intentional obstruction, esp. using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action 議事進行妨害 - The small mound I have mentioned a while ago was once occupied by the Phenician city of Laish. A party…

exigent (adjective) urgent; pressing; requiring immediate action or attention 緊急の、差し迫った - Since Cleopatra died, I have liv'd in such dishonour that the gods Detest my baseness. I, that with my sword Quarter'd the world, and o'er g…

equivocate [ikwi'vэke`it] (verb) to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent 言葉を濁す、あいまいな言葉を使う - "He interests me, I suppose, like the bulldog. And there is much good in him, too; but there is much in him that I would …

eloquent [e'lэkwэnt] (adjective) well-spoken; expressive; articulate 雄弁な、能弁な、説得力のある、よく表している - Rogojin suffered from brain fever for two months. When he recovered from the attack he was at once brought up on trial for …

discordant [disko':(r)d(э)nt] (adjective) conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound 調和しない、耳障りな - As Tarzan of the Apes hurtled through the trees the discordant sounds of the battle between the Abyssinians and the lions smote more…

connoisseur [kα`nэsэ':(r)] (noun) an injformed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert 鑑識家、くろうと、目の肥えた人 - Natasha had made a strong impression on Kuragin. At supper after the opera he described to Dolokhov with the air o…

enervate [e'nэ(r)ve`it] (verb) lessen the strength of; disturb the composure of (人)の体力[気力]を弱める、無気力にさせる - "Is this portrait like?" I asked bluntly."Like! Like whom? I did not observe it closely.""You did, Mr. Rivers."H…

chicanery [∫ike'inэri] (noun) trickery or subterfuge ごまかし、ずるい言い抜け - Things began with "this or that, Makar Alexievitch, is your fault." Then it went on to "I need hardly say that the fault is wholly Makar Alexievitch's." Finall…

censure [se'n∫э(r)] (verb) to criticize severly; to officially rebuke 非難する、酷評する - Nonsense, he replied. But let me add something more: There is another side to Glaucon's argument about the praise and censure of justice and injusti…

audacious [o:de'i∫эs] (adj) daring and fearless; recklessly bold ふてぶてしい、不敵な、法律を軽視{けいし}した - "Enter!" cried the archdeacon, from the interior of his cell; "I was expecting you. I left the door unlocked expressly; ente…

assuage [эswe'idз](verb) to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify 和らげる、緩和する、満たす、いやすThe fount at which the panting mind assuages Her thirst of knowledge. - Byron. - <Canto the Third より> Italia! too, Italia! looking on th…

approbation [ae`prэbe'i∫n] (n) an expression of approval or praise 賞賛、認可、証拠、是認It is time now to recollect that the powers were merely advisory and recommendatory; that they were so meant by the States, and so understood by the c…

anomaly [эnα'm(э)li] (n) deviation fron the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality 例外、異例、不調和、異常性

GRE HIT PARADE alacrity [эlae'krэti] (n) eager and enthusiastic willingness 機敏さ、乗り気、積極性 In time of war the poor are accustomed to show no alacrity without they have provisions found them; when they have, then indeed they are wil…

<下記[Kids]に書いてあるような事情で、サッカーに関連する単語に接する機会を得た。> shin(向こうずね)、shin guard (すね当て) shinのむこう側は、tendon achilles (アキレス腱、「ふーん天丼か」、なんちゃって) cleat or soccer cleat (サッカー…